In the modern West, “scientific proof” is thought to be the gold standard for separating truth from falsehood. The popular belief is that if you don’t have scientific proof of something, it doesn’t exist or is just a matter of subjective opinion. This is a viewpoint known as scientism, which holds that “science” is the only means of discovering truth. But there are many truths about the world that lie outside the realm of science. For example:

The fine tuning of numerous constants and quantities of the universe is unexpected and mysterious if naturalism is true. But it makes perfect sense if Christianity is true, and God desired to create beings He could have a relationship with. Although acknowledging the provisional nature of science, there are good scientific reasons to believe that God exists, and these reasons seem to grow stronger the more we learn about the universe. For those interested in exploring the relationship between Christianity and science in greater detail, books by John C. Lennox and Stephen C. Meyer are a good place to begin.

Please click on the link to read the full article – What Scientific Proof Do We Have That There Is a God?

Many structures in sedimentary rock layers result from the primary depositional processes, such as graded bedding and cross-bedding (Boggs 1995). On the other hand, soft-sediment deformation or penecontemporaneous structures are so called because they develop at the time of deposition or shortly thereafter, during the early stages of the sediment’s consolidation and before full lithification. This is because the sediments need to be unsolidified or “liquid-like” for such deformation to occur (Boggs 1995).

Please click here to read the full article ->

A set of over 260 dinosaur footprints (from a three-toed theropod) were uncovered, and they’re split between Brazil in South America and Cameroon, East Africa—3,700 miles away. The study author explains:

We determined that in terms of age, these footprints were similar. . . . In their geological and plate tectonic contexts, they were also similar. In terms of their shapes, they are almost identical.

Please click on the following link for the full article: matching-dinosaur-footprints-separated-atlantic-ocean/

True science is catching up with the Bible.
True science is the Christian’s friend, and as Romans 1:20 reminds us, it can be used as a powerful tool for evangelism.

Science means “knowledge” and refers to a process by which we learn about the natural world. There are two different kinds of science; observational and historical. Historical science deals with the past and is not directly testable or observable so it must be interpreted according to your worldview.

Stephen C. Meyer received his Ph.D. in the philosophy of science from the University of Cambridge. A former geophysicist and college professor, he now directs Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture in Seattle.

Soft tissue in dinosaur bones
aka Dinosaur shocker

Over 65 million of years. Really think about that huge number. Soft tissue is being found in dinosaur bones all over the Earth. How is there still soft tissue existing a million years? Do your own search. There will be lots of explanations or attempts at explanations but the same question still exists. How does soft pliable tissue exist after millions of years?

We believe questions and dialogue are good because truth invites and withstands testing.

We use scientific advances to answer questions and identify new evidence of God’s existence, character, and the Bible’s reliability. We engage skeptics and cultivate communities where scholars and others learn to integrate science, theology, and philosophy so they can open the world of science to the gospel.

The Institute investigates the life-changing possibilities of a universe brimming with information and intelligent design. It has a special interest in exploring how science and technology can advance free markets, propel new discoveries, illuminate public policy, and support human dignity and the metaphysical foundations of a free society.

Soft tissue in dinosaur bones
aka Dinosaur shocker

Over 65 million of years. Really think about that huge number. Soft tissue is being found in dinosaur bones all over the Earth. How is there still soft tissue existing a million years? Do your own search. There will be lots of explanations or attempts at explanations but the same question still exists. How does soft pliable tissue exist after millions of years?

Turtles and dinosaurs existed together

The image of a turtle being stepped on by a dinosaur. This should be impossible with the millions of years timeline. There are fossils of snakes and birds also being found with dinosaur bones.
Time is not the friend of an evolutionist. Throwing wood and nails into a bucket and stirring them for millions of years doesn’t produce a house. The evolution theory still needs work. It isn’t the answer.

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